In the name of god amen the
tenth day of December Anno Domini 1618. I Richard kitchen of the Hill Millom.
Sick in body but of good and perfect remembrance praise be to god do constitute
and make this my last will and testament in manner and form following. That is
to say first I remit my soul into the hands of almighty god my maker and
redeemer through the merits of whose death and passion I trust to be saved and
my body to be buried in the churchyard of Millom. It is my will that Richard
Kitchin my son shall give unto his three sisters that are unwed and John my son
to every one of them 20 shillings as he hath given his faithful promise unto me.
Item I give unto Jennet my daughter one stirk (cow) of a year old. Item it is my
will that John my son shall have that house which he liveth in until such time
as he shall promide for himself and remain unmarried as his brother Richard hath
promised me. Item I give unto Isabel my wife that cow which I last bought. And I
constitute and ordain and make Isabel my wife, John my son and my three
daughters unmarried my true and lawful executors trusting they will see it
accomplished as gear with one hack and a gave lock and I heartily desire our
vicar of Millom, John Fox, John Blendall, Richard Leweth, Anthony Fox ---- to be
supervisors of this my last will as I response my full confidence in them. Witness hereof.
John Blendall.
Richard Lewteth.
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